Dispatches from the Multiverse Vol. 4

CAPY games
5 min readFeb 26, 2021


Grindstone Valentine’s update!

It’s February, which means love is in the air over at Grindstone Mountain. There’s a special new Valentine’s update for both Apple Arcade and Nintendo Switch™ users.

“Blood is in the Air” Valentine’s Update includes:

  • An update to the Cupid Cosplay outfit
  • New Gold Heart Arrow
  • Valentine’s-themed effects
  • Various bug fixes and polish

Grab Grindstone now on both Apple Arcade and Nintendo Switch™!

You can also download a printable and shareable PDF of Grindstone Valentine’s Day Cards to hand out!

Dispatches from the Multiverse

I’ve traveled around the world and have consulted with numerous sources (who wish to remain anonymous) to confirm one detail: February sucks. But, at least it has Valentine’s Day in it, everyone’s favourite day to either love or hate. I decided to share some of the most prevalent sentiments from across the multiverse toward the lovey dovey day.


We don’t often hear too much from the gloomy land of Below, but it seems February has brought up some feelings:

Hello Wanderer… it’s me again… The Isle.

I can sense that on some distant realm far beyond this great ocean it happens to be February, a month when people celebrate their love for each other by being all cute. They exchange little cards glyphed with hearts and feed each other decadent chocolates. It’s all really kind of insufferable…

But you, Wanderer… I sense that you’re all alone. And isn’t it already bad enough that February is cold, grey and supremely wretched just on its own? Do all these lovey-dovey couples really need to make you feel any worse?

Doesn’t it all just make you want to crawl into some deep dark hole and disappear… hmm?

Maybe instead of being all alone, you could sail on over to me so we can be alone, together?

Look what I’m trying to say is that I MISS you, Wanderer! When are you coming to visit me?!? It’s Valentine’s Day you big jerk, I’m here in the middle of this dang ocean… got all these cozy caves for you to crawl around in… there’s even a steamy hot spring, and I lit all the torches down here to make it all nice ‘n romantic for you and everything… when ya coming over???

I miss devouring you so much!

Wait… should I be sending a valentine to The Isle???


I was debating whom from HjellHjole to pester about this day. That bloody little town might not strike most as the “I love love” sort, but you’d be surprised. Almost as surprised as I was to receive an unprompted Valentine’s Day card from the Daily Grind Shrjine in HjellHjole.

Uh. Is “Threatening Disembowelment” a love language I don’t know about?


We checked in with the leader of the Super Time Force, Commander Repeatski:

Dateline: Spacebus, February 13th, 2021

We here at the Super Time Force HQ are big lovers of love 💗💗💗! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Wait, my favourite time-travelling badasses who murder the world’s problems are actually a bunch of touchy-feely softies???” Well, first I would say: shut the hell up, who told you to think?!? Next I’d say: what better way to celebrate a successful time-reorientation (i.e changing the past so the future no longer sucks!) than with a team-cuddle? Trust me we’ve tried other celebrations, nothing even comes close (the hot tub full of champagne gave us all rashes).

We know the whole world is totally in love with the STFU, but it’s high TIME we declared our undying love for ourselves! In that spirit we’re decorating the SpaceBus with hearts and roses because it’s almost TIME for our favorite holiday: ValenTIMES Day! While you schlubs are standing in line for chocolates and flowers, the STF goes the extra mile for our loved ones by doing stuff like: going back in TIME to prevent bad ex-boyfriends from even being born, or hopping back in TIME to 6 seconds ago to take back that insensitive thing we just said!

Since you can’t possibly celebrate Valentine’s in style like we do, may I offer a suggestion? Curl up with a loved one and play Super Time Force Ultra! It’s actually a VERY romantic game based on our adventures. Don’t believe me? Go back and relive all our glorious missions through TIME in STFU and see if you can spot all the lovers loving love in each and every mission!

See if you can find each one and tweet at those dorks at… (checks notes) Capy Games?

Until next TIME.

Well I certainly wasn’t expecting that.


  • ICYMI, Grindstone got a MetaCritic of 87, #8 Top Nintendo Switch Game of the Year, and an Open Critic rating of Mighty!
  • The CAPY team is streaming on our twitch channel, as well! Catch a Super Time Force Ultra stream with some CAPY devs at 3:30pm ET on February 19th, 2021!



CAPY games
CAPY games

Written by CAPY games

Capybara Games is an award-winning indie video game studio in Toronto, Canada.

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