Happy Valentine’s from CAPY and CAPY pets!

CAPY games
6 min readFeb 14, 2024


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! We hope you get to spend the day with your loved ones — friends, family, your favourite Creep, anyone who brings joy to your life. We’d like to share those who make us happy, pet edition!

Warning: This article has a spider!

Tessa & Sokka

★ More photogenic than u

★ Loves playing fetch with sticks and frisbees

★ Special ability: Shrimp Mode Activation (escapes from harness)

★ Found him on the side of the road :’)

★ Airplane ears

★ Bug exterminator

★ Bath hater

Michelle & Willow & Jude

Willow is a sweet 8 month old German Shepherd rescue. She came from a very abusive home and is now finding her way in Toronto. Loves her family and currently hates the rest of the world. Don’t come at this dog with wheels.

Jude is our 14 year old Jack Russell/Beagle rescue. We have had him since he was 4 weeks old. He is learning how to live life with a kid and now a puppy. Walks and food are his favourite things in life.

Christian & Yzma

Yzma (eez-ma) is about as quirky and neurotic as they come! Though she looks peaceful, she will be the one to tell you if she is interested in getting to know you. She knows her boundaries but has no respect for yours. Though she may hang out at your feet, you do not get to pet her until she has explicitly said she would like to be petted. She will never turn down a good box.

Dan & Pepino

Hot: Eating butter that was left out! Sweaky hamburger toy! Grunting to request more pets! Spooning in bed! Not: Wearing booties on a winter walk… Seeing big dogs on a walk… When strangers try to talk to him… Grabbing food dropped on the floor then realising it’s just a carrot…
Pepino’s Hot/Not List

Dan & Ingrid

Ingrid is a Jumping Spider I was tricked into getting for my son, Sammy. He likes to devour live crickets which I also have to keep on hand. So I guess I was also tricked into being a cricket owner too.

But dang Ingrid is actually really cute!

Kaitlin & Ada & Hopper

Hopper (void boy) and Ada (tabby girl) are my bonded pair of kitty siblings! I adopted them back in December 2017 when they were only 4 months old. I named them after my favourite computer scientists: Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper. Their favourite things are sunbeams, floor vents, snuggling together, and Greenies.

Kaitlin & Kya

Kya is the cutest, sweetest, snuggliest little diamond-nosed cat anyone will ever meet. We’re not completely sure how old she is, but she was adopted by my partner almost 10 years ago. If you sit on the couch with a blanket, she’ll come and snuggle up with you in a second. In fact, we need to be careful in the winter with couch blankets — she’ll burrow into them and it’s easy to squish her if you don’t notice! Kya loves belly rubs, which is great, because she has the softest belly.

Kaitlin & Bev

Dr. Beverly Crusher is a 9-month-old Eurasier who, even though she is a space doctor, is still a puppy and learning the ropes! She adores sticks — if she finds a good one on a walk, she’ll carry it with her for a while! Her big task right now is learning how to be polite and not come on too strong, as she wants to play with EVERYONE… dog, cat, human… doesn’t matter! Her best tricks are “high-five” and “łapa” (“paw” in Polish).

Vic & Migsy

Migsy is my best friend. She always lets me know when a package has arrived, and expects to be paid in baby carrots for her efforts.

Bianca & Mako

Mako is a silly labrador mix who doesn’t like strangers but is very protective and loving of his family! He’s very energetic and loves playing tug-of-war, but is also the best napper I’ve ever seen (and that means a lot, considering how much my fiance sleeps. We clearly know where Mako gets it from). He is also blessed with fritos-smelling paws and incredible flexibility when sleeping, as shown in the pose above. What a silly goose dog.

KPD & Indy

What Indy lacks in hair, he more than makes up for with 🕺 SASS and 💅FASHION. Lovingly referred to by his human siblings as “Indy Pig”, he can often be found:

  • Hiding in whichever of my sweaters I have left accessible,
  • Inexplicably tucked into my bed,
  • Judgingly staring me down while I cook human food. For humans. The food is not for dogs.

Farah & Fizz

This is Fizz! Her favourite pastime is looking out the window and eating chicken treats! She has many nicknames including: Bobo, Bobo-Fizz, Pobbin and Little Angel.

Eileen & Babu & Bailey & Uni & Co

Babu is the queen of our household. She loves life and remains curious and adaptable despite all challenges. This is why she is our home’s spiritual leader. Also, look at her cute thumbs and bobtail.

Bailey thinks she is the queen but she’s more of a volatile princess. However she is very beautiful and affectionate. Except when she is wreaking havoc.

We are guardians of 7 domestic coturnix quail who live in our yard. It’s difficult to get a good photo of them together but trust that they are all very beautiful. Uni (brown) has been with us the longest. They make gentle lovely sounds and lay eggs that we eat.

We hope this brought a smile to your face, just like how our pets do to us. Happy Valentine’s Day! 💘



CAPY games
CAPY games

Written by CAPY games

Capybara Games is an award-winning indie video game studio in Toronto, Canada.

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